Professionals for Progress

Emerging Leaders who participate in the Heal Chicago professionals for progress workshop will demonstrate the following:

  • Fluency in the language of cross-cultural dialog with the ability to exhibit high levels of inter-cultural competence.

  • Skills to develop diverse connections across sections, where best practices to reduce and eliminate marginalization are developed and shared.

  • Commitment to step outside the echo chambers imposed by personal identity with the goal of developing professional and personal relationships of trust with those with whom they would not have had the opportunity to do so.

  • The positivity to promote Chicago and our country as the best place to thrive and grow for all people.

Our group of Professionals have collaborated and successfully hosted panel discussions such as the following:

  • A speaker from the Obama Center led a discussion on minority voter suppression.

  • informed us on the effects of fatphobia and its roots in racism.

  • The conservative point of view: a panel of three conservatives from across the US shared their perspective on abortion, military service, and election denial

  • Israel and Gaza: we featured a panel that included the former mayor of Oak Park who was born in Gaza, a member of J-Street, and a professor of humanities from the University of Chicago in a Q&A on the current situation

  • “What does racism in the workplace look like in 2024 compared to post George Floyd?” discussion was led by three of our BIPOC members.


Heal Chicago is now accepting applicants for our 2024 cohort. This 3-part, ten-week anti-marginalization program meets once a week for 90 minutes on Zoom.

***Note: Participants can sign up for Part 1 only, or obtain Heal Chicago certification after completion of all three parts.

Part 1 (4 weeks): Practice active listening as a foundational skill so that you are better able to listen for intent, understand emotional triggers in yourself and others, and feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

Part 2 (4 weeks): Involves deep dialogue and open discussion that fosters understanding and connection with other participants.

Part 3 (2 weeks): Develops the skills to facilitate difficult conversations.

Participants who complete Part 1 of the program will be eligible to be part of Heal Chicago's Professionals for Progress Network and participate in alumni programming. Participants who complete all three parts will receive a Heal Chicago Foundations of DEI certificate.

Part 1: Date TBD

Part 2: Date TBD

Part 3: Date TBD




Heal Chicago was successfully incorporated as of June 11, 2020.

View our Certificate of Good Standing.